Bilateral, European, international and national projects.
Bilateral Projects
- STOP AFRICAN SWINE FEVER – evaluation and development of solutions for biosecurity measures in domestic pig production
- Incidence and tumour types of domestic, exotic and wild animals in Slovenia and Montenegro
- Validacija biomarkerjev za diagnostiko goveje tuberkuloze
- Strengthening capacity in the field of pork safety and quality in the small Food business operators
- New non-regulated mycotoxins in cereals: risk assessment and possibility of reduction by extrusion processing
International Projects
- European Researchers’ Night project (the slogan Humanities Rock! Human(e) to Animals – Science Covers Every Being)
- RObust Animals in sustainable Mixed FREE-range systems (ROAM-FREE)
- Sustainability in pork production with immunocastration
- Preventing the Extinction of the Dinaric-SE Alpine Lynx Population Through Reinforcement and Long-term Conservation
- ART-REM (Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) and regenerative medicine (REM)
- Infrastructure for promoting metrology in food and nutrition
- Investigation of Traditional Cheese Production Tecnology and Standards in the Light of European Union (2019-1-TR01-KA202-077415)
COST Actions
National Programmes and Projects
Applicative Research Projects
- Knowledge Hub for Green, Sustainable and Innovative Mediterranean Agriculture
- Met4Lab – Basis for establishment of a system for identification and exchange of metrological requirements in the field of biochemical analysis
- Development of a multimethod for the determination of prohibided substances in food
- Sampling procedures for prohibited free-living animals and development of molecular tools to ensure traceability through identification and deposit of genetic material
- Risk-assessment of the introduction of African swine fever virus into domestic pig holdings
- Strategic approaches to improve the health and fertility of small ruminants
- Breeding of domestic animals by upgrading animal welfare in accordance with social requirements
- Management strategies and control of Salmonella Infantis infections in broiler flocks
- Rising the competitve position of Slovenian cattle farming by controlling paratuberculosis in dairy cattle herd
- Genotyping of the American foulbrood causative agent as a tool to determine the transmission routes of the disease
- Detection of type A influenza viruses in environmental samples, feed and animal bedding and development of an algorithm for the diagnosis of influenza in pig
- Technological innovations to improve animal welfare in poultry and pigs
Basic Research Projects
- Effect of intrabronchial treatment with adipose-derived stem cell extracellular vesicles on pulmonary inflammation and miRNA in peripheral blood and bronchoalveolar fluid in horses with severe asthma
- Vascularization and vascular effects as predictive factors for local ablative techniques
- Escherichia coli as an intestinal pathogen of calves: exploring the host-pathogen factors, farm management and antimicrobial resistance burden
- Paratuberculosis in dairy cattle: communal pasture implications, economic analysis and stakeholders’ engagement
- Exploring the biofilm phenotype and surfactome of Listeria monocytogenes to predict its persistence and pathogenicity potential using machine learning
- Monitoring of the clinical and immune response to improve the outcome of combined electrochemotherapy and IL-12 gene therapy in dogs with spontaneous peripheral tumours
- Genetic diversity and virulence of Paenibacillus larvae, the causative agent of American foulbrood
- Use of silk fibroin for encapsulation and differentiation of stem cells as a starting point for the development of advanced cartilage treatment
- Identification of genetic and metabolic properties of fatty pig breeds – case of Krškopolje pig
- Identification and characterization of pathogens of infectious diseases with the method of next generation sequencing
- Time-lapse intra-vital imaging of immune response after electrochemotherapy induced in situ vaccination and interleukin-12 gene therapy boost
- Role of estrogens in active brain feminisation; and development of a novel hormone implant, mimicking estrous cycle
- Improving immune response of animals against Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis and Clostridium perfringens toxins with chicken egg yolk antibodies
- Use of probiotics to control contamination of poultry farms with campylobacters and salmonella
- Plasma decontamination of mycotoxins and inactivation of fungi in food industry
- Protein complexes from the fungal genus Pleurotus, new bio‐ pesticides for controlling Colorado potato beetle and western corn rootworm
- Rezistomi probiotičnih in starterskih kultur kot potencialni dejavnik tveganja za širjenje odpornosti proti antibiotikom
- Celice beta med razvojem in remisijo z dieto povzročene sladkorne bolezni
Other National Projects
- ReNature
- Development of a model of the ruminant’s four stomachs with its parasites for achieving deeper learning in a student oriented approach
- Development of Advanced Cellular Therapies to Treat Dementia in Dogs
- Cell transplantation into murine brain as a model for brain damage treatment
- Isolation, characterisation and posible uses of exosomes from mesenchymal stem cells for advanced treatments of dogs
- Wildlife park 3
NOO – Načrt za okrevanje in odpornost (ULTRA)
Precizna živinoreja - dobrobit živali ter zaščita okolja z uvajanjem senzorskih tehnologij v realnem času | |
Problemsko e-učenje in pridobivanje praktičnih laboratorijskih in kliničnih veščin v laboratoriju za veščine v veterini in zdravstvu | |
Vseživljenjsko projektno e-učenje | |
Razvoj kompetenc (prihodnjih) vzgojiteljev za spodbujanje zelenega prehoda, trajnostnega razvoja in okoljske pismenosti v zgodnjem otroštvu | |
Komuniciranje znanosti in krizno komuniciranje za trajnostni razvoj | |
Zdravila za napredno zdravljenje - prebojno znanje za zdravje |
NOO – Načrt za okrevanje in odpornost (MKGP)
Drugi slovenski projekti (Projektno delo za pridobitev praktičnih izkušenj in znanj študentov v delovnem okolju 2022/2023)
Pridobivanje življenjskih veščin s področja komunikacije, digitalnih znanj in trajnostnega vodenja, njihova vključitev v digitalni laboratorij veščin (Skills Lab) ter v veterinarsko organizacijo z namenom koriščenja tudi v času epidemije COVID-19 |
Office for Research and International Cooperation
Head: mag. Petra Gruden
Tel.: 01 4779 852
The veterinarian on duty
Emergency veterinary assistance for dogs and cats and a telephone number of constant readiness.
A wide selection of domestic and foreign professional literature in the field of veterinary medicine and other sciences.
Gerbičeva 60
SI-1000 Ljubljana
Sample Reception
Samples are received at several locations throughout Slovenia. See where.
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