Wildlife park 3




General Data

Member of UL: Veterinary faculty

Name of the leading partner: Company Siesa, Aleksander Horvat s.p., project leader Mr. Aleksander Horvat

Status (VF): partner

Project code/Project No.: PARK-3

Project Title: Wildlife park 3

Financier:  LAG – Rural Wealth Creations on Drava and Slovenske gorice (ERDF European Regional Development Fund)

Project period: 1. 1. 2020 – 28. 2. 2022

Yearly sum of FTE: 5.000,00 €

Leader (on VF):
Professor. MSc, PhD Alenka Dovč, DVM, Spec. Med. Birds, Small mammals and Reptiles,
(European College of Animal Welfare and Behavioural Medicine)

Scientific field: Biotechnology

Partners: Company SIESA inženiring d.o.o., Vintarovci 85, 2253 Destrnik and UL, Veterinary faculty

Project phases: 1st phase: to 28.2.2021 in 2nd phase to: 28. 2. 2022)

Bibliography references: Wildlife park in pictures


Project description

We would like to highlight several smart and engaging activities. Interactive incubator set up, where visitors can get an insight and glimpse into the very processes during hatching, organization of workshops. A Farmer's shed will be constructed specifically for implementation of workshops and lectures on the endangered animal species. Workshops will be presented within the park complex and also in several elementary schools in local area.

Professor Alenka Dovč, PhD, from Veterinary Faculty, University of Ljubljana, is in charge of organizing and conducting various workshops on several topics where attendees are introduced to specific animal species, their biology and level of their endangerment. The welfare of the animals is the main emphasis. Workshops are interactive with focus on discussions, participation and experiencing. Veterinary Faculty students provide assistance with organization and conduct workshops independently. Zootechnics (Animal Science) and Archeology students are also actively engaged in workshops. Their motto is "Together we can be even better".


Structure of the project group

Look at partners.


Park 3

Other images.