The training is intended for veterinarians working in the field of ruminant healthcare. The study programme offers in-depth and up-to-date knowledge in the field of ruminant healthcare. It includes clinical diagnostic processes, treatment and prevention of the six most common health problems in ruminants (metabolic diseases, udder disease, infertility, surgery, limb/lame diseases, infectious diseases).

The continual development of our profession and the need to introduce modern concepts into our work demand new approaches to gain additional professional knowledge. In the past decade, important changes in theoretical and practical work have been made at all levels of veterinary medicine.
Great progress has been achieved in the processes of thinking and critical reasoning, which are now based on clinical and diagnostic cognitive skills. Contemporary clinical examinations and tests are based on evidential and deductive processes. Candidates can increase their knowledge and experience and direct it towards resolving diseases of individual animals and/or the herd. The work of professionals demands that they are educated, rational, and that they demonstrate a desire for an advanced level of clinical-diagnostic and critical-thinking skills.
In veterinary medicine, the need for supplementary learning is dictated by constant developments in current knowledge and new fields influencing the quality of professional work, which indirectly affects society as a whole. The European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education – EAEVE recommends the introduction of advanced and continual post-graduate education. Post-graduate education is also encouraged by the Slovenian representative veterinary organization (Veterinary Chamber) and numerous veterinary associations.
The advanced studies training programme is intended for veterinarians working in the field of ruminant health management. It offers in-depth and up-to-date knowledge of ruminant health management. The programme encompasses clinical diagnostics and the treatment and prevention of the six most common disorders in ruminants (metabolic disorders, mammary gland disease, infertility, situations requiring surgery, diseases of the legs and feet/lameness, infectious diseases). The programme is based upon the principles of evidence-based medicine (EBM) incorporating computer-based diagnostics, animal welfare, health and safety measures in the milk and meat production chain from farm to table, environmental protection, and cultural landscape preservation on productive livestock farms including organic farms.
Programme information
The Advanced Studies Training Programme in Buiatrics is awarded 37 ECTS credit points and encompasses eight modules, which are horizontally related. There are six mandatory modules and two electives. All modules consist of a theoretical and a practical part. The focus is on practical and individual work, which comprise 77.45 % of the programme content.
The study requirements are evaluated upon the basis of the European Credit Transfer System - ECTS.
Price |
3.000,00 € VAT incl. |
ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) | 37 |
total student's work | 1110 hours |
modules (mandatory + elective) | 6 + 2 |
practical work | 77,45 % |
theoretical work | 22,55 % |
Basic objectives and competences
The advanced studies training programme is based on relevant scientific research and expert knowledge, with special emphasis on practical measures regarding the increased incidence of production and diseases in productive livestock farms including organic farms. The main objective is to increase the knowledge and skills needed for ensuring optimal health management and welfare of ruminants on the level of individual animals and the maintenance of healthy productive cattle herds. The programme is problem-oriented as it is based on actual clinical and laboratory evidence, on current animal handling techniques and on special veterinary measures for animal health management, public health and environmental protection. Modern diagnostic procedures are applied in the programme, which demand critical thinking and reasoning, and the use of computer-based diagnostics is also encouraged. Upon completing the programme candidates will be able to perform advanced clinical diagnostics, evaluate diagnostic results, give second opinions, and be qualified to plan, execute and evaluate the suitability of programmes for herd health management. A professional in buiatrics is someone who is reliable, thorough, efficient, and capable of clearly justifying his or her actions.
Average intake
The number of available places is 15 per year.
Candidates choose a mentor prior to application or when applying to the programme. A mentor or co-mentor is a person with a professional or academic title and a suitable certified professional activity in the individual field. The mentor guides the candidate during his or her training.
Admission requirements
To apply for the Advanced Studies Programme in Buiatrics candidates shall meet the following requirements: they must hold an undergraduate degree in veterinary medicine, have at least three years of work experience in buiatrics and possess a valid licence. Candidates who have completed the degree abroad must attach a Certificate of Education Completed in a Foreign Education System.
Selection criteria for limited admission
Candidates will be considered on the basis of work experience, a letter of recommendation from a veterinary association, and their scientific and professional accomplishments. Individual elements will be evaluated upon the basis of:
Selection criteria |
Share in % |
Work experience | 60 |
Letter of recommendation from a veterinary association | 20 |
Bibliography | 20 |
The admission limit is 15 candidates in accordance with Paragraph 1 of Article 41 of the Higher Education Act.
Recognition of knowledge and skills acquired prior to admission
The recognition of knowledge and skills acquired prior to admission shall be approved by the programme supervisor based on certificates and the mentor’s opinion.
Conditions for advancement and completion of the programme
To complete a module the candidate in the advanced studies programme in buiatrics must fulfil all requirements defined within the module. The condition for advancement is the fulfilment of study obligations for all the individual modules. Conditions for completion of the programme are the fulfilment of all study obligations and a successful pass in the final examination. Evidence of fulfilled obligations for all modules shall be submitted by the candidate before the final examination. Candidates are expected to pass the final examination no later than two years after the fulfilment of all obligations or four years after admission to the programme.
Title acquisition
After the successful final examination, the candidate will acquire a Certificate of Advanced Professional Studies in Buiatrics, which is an official document (in accordance with Article 88 of the Statute of University of Ljubljana) and is signed by the dean of the Veterinary faculty of Ljubljana and the rector of the University of Ljubljana.
Grading system
Candidates are evaluated in form of: oral and written exams, case reports, filled-in reports and written practical training reports. The grading system is determined in the syllabus of individual modules.
After the completion of all studies, reports and direct or indirect work (agreed upon by the mentor) the candidate can apply for the final examination. Candidates are expected to pass the final examination no later than two years after the fulfilment of all obligations or four years after admission to the programme.
Curriculum and short content description
The programme offers eight study modules, six of which are mandatory and two are elective. It consists of two parts, theoretical work (22.55%) and professional practical training (77.45%).
The advanced professional studies programme comprises the following modules:
- Metabolic Disorders and Systemic Diseases
- Reproduction Management and Obstetrics
- Herd Health and Production Control in Cattle
- Infectious Diseases and Mastitis
- Surgery and Orthopedics
- Research Methods in Veterinary Medicine
- Veterinary Informatics
- Final examination
All modules are applicable to the field of veterinary medicine.
Supervisor | Module | L | LP | CP | S | F | A | SUM | TH | ECTS |
Jože Starič | Metabolic Disorders and Systemic Diseases | 63 | 22 | 20 | 20 | 85 | 210 | 210 | 7 | |
Andrej Pengov | Infectious Diseases and Mastitis | 63 | 22 | 20 | 20 | 85 | 210 | 210 | 7 | |
Jožica Ježek | Herd Health and Production Control in Cattle | 25 | 20 | 105 | 150 | 150 | 5 | |||
Ožbalt Podpečan | Surgery and Orthopaedics | 25 | 20 | 105 | 150 | 150 | 5 | |||
Janko Mrkun | Reproduction Management and Obstetrics | 30 | 24 | 126 | 180 | 180 | 6 | |||
Jelka Zabavnik Piano | Research Methods in Veterinary Medicine * | 10 | 10 | 10 | 30 | 60 | 120 | 4 | ||
Jelka Zabavnik Piano | Veterinary Informatics * | 10 | 10 | 10 | 30 | 60 | 120 | 4 | ||
Ožbalt Podpečan | Final examination | 90 | 3 | |||||||
Total | 216 | 54 | 40 | 114 | 506 | 30 | 960 | 1110 | 37 |
Key: L lectures; LP laboratory-based practical classes,; CP clinical practical classes; S seminars; F field work; A alternative work; TH total hours; ECTS credit points based on ECTS – European Credit Transfer System.
* Elective modules. Candidates must choose one.
Short review of modules
Lecturers: Jože Starič (module supervisor), Andrej Pengov, Janko Mrkun, Ožbalt Podpečan, Jožica Ježek
ECTS weighting: 7 ECTS credit points.
The module is based on relevant scientific research, with special emphasis on practical measures regarding the increased incidence of metabolic and systemic diseases on productive livestock farms including organic farms.
The overall purpose of the module is to increase the knowledge and skills that ensure the successful health management and welfare of ruminants in the individual animal as well as on a herd basis. The content of the module is problem-oriented as it is based on actual clinical and laboratory evidence, on current animal handling techniques and on special veterinary measures. The candidates use modern diagnostic procedures, which demand critical thinking, and use computer-based diagnostics.
Lecturers: Andrej Pengov (module supervisor), Janko Mrkun, Ožbalt Podpečan, Peter Hostnik, Ivan Toplak, Irena Zdovc, Janez Posedi, Polona Juntes
ECTS weighting: 7 ECTS credit points.
The module is based on relevant scientific research and practical measures regarding the treatment of infectious diseases on productive livestock farms including organic farms, with special emphasis on mastitis.
The overall purpose of this advanced studies programme is to increase the knowledge and skills that ensure successful health management of ruminants on both an individual and a herd basis. The contents of the module are applicable to health and production problems, which are based on actual clinical and laboratory evidence, on current animal handling techniques and on special veterinary measures regarding the incidence, transmission and control of infectious diseases. The candidates use modern diagnostic procedures, which demand critical thinking, and use computer-based diagnostics.
Lecturers: Jožica Ježek (module supervisor), Andrej Pengov, Janko Mrkun, Ožbalt Podpečan, Jože Starič
ECTS weighting: 5 ECTS credit points.
The module is based on relevant scientific research, with special emphasis on practical measures that ensure health and production control on productive livestock farms including organic farms.
The overall purpose is to increase the knowledge and skills that ensure successful health management of ruminants on both an individual and a herd basis. The contents of the module are problem-oriented and based on actual clinical and laboratory evidence, on current animal handling techniques and on special veterinary measures. The candidates use modern diagnostic procedures, which demand critical thinking, and also use computer-based diagnostics.
Lecturers: Ožbalt Podpečan (module supervisor), Andrej Pengov, Janko Mrkun, Jože Starič
ECTS weighting: 5 ECTS credit points.
The module is based on relevant scientific research, with special emphasis on practical measures in situations that require surgical intervention (treatment).
The overall purpose is to increase the knowledge and skills that ensure optimal care and welfare of the animals before, during and after surgical procedures. The candidates use modern diagnostic procedures that demand critical thinking and fast and effective action.
Lecturers: Janko Mrkun (module supervisor), Andrej Pengov, Ožbalt Podpečan
ECTS weighting: 6 ECTS credit points.
The module is based on relevant scientific research, with special emphasis on practical measures regarding the reproductive capacity of heifers and bulls on productive livestock farms including organic farms.
The overall purpose is to increase the knowledge and skills that ensure optimal fertility on an individual cow basis as well as on a herd basis. The contents of the module are problem-oriented and based on actual clinical and laboratory evidence, on current animal handling techniques and on special veterinary measures. The candidates use modern diagnostic procedures, which demand critical thinking, and also use computer-based diagnostics.
Lecturers: Jelka Zabavnik Piano (module supervisor), Brigita Grecs Smole
ECTS weighting: 4 ECTS credit points.
The relation between experience, profession, and science; stages of scientific research processes; research methods and techniques; formulating a scientific research problem; the analysis of a scientific research article.
Lecturers: Jelka Zabavnik Piano (module supervisor), Brigita Grecs Smole
ECTS weighting: 4 ECTS credit points.
The relation between experience, profession, and science; a system of scientific and professional information; how to search for information in veterinary medicine; the formulation of a basic document; the analysis of information regarding professional work.
Examiner: Ožbalt Podpečan (module supervisor)
ECTS weighting: 3 ECTS credit points.
The purpose of the final examination is to make a concluding review of the topics covered during the advanced studies programme. The newly gained knowledge and skills will enable the candidate to work more thoroughly, reliably, and efficiently and to be able to defend his or her decisions based on the welfare of the animal and the advantages to the owner and society.
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Centre for Postgraduate Studies and Continuing Education
Gerbičeva 60
1000 Ljubljana
Tel: +386 1 4779 147
Faks: +386 1 283 22 43
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