Klinični laboratorij

Diagnostic Laboratory

The Diagnostic Laboratory of the Small Animal Clinic carries out numerous laboratory investigations including haematology, clinical biochemistry, urine, coagulation and rapid diagnosis of infectious canine and feline diseases. It also works with many other domestic and foreign laboratories to provide a wide range of possible investigations.

Zaradi zmanjšanja možnosti vnosa in prenosa koronavirusnega obolenja v Diagnostičnem laboratoriju Klinike za male živali do nadaljnjega ukinjamo popoldansko dežurstvo. Vzorce sprejemamo od 8.00 do 15.00 ure.

The Small Animal Clinic carries out the following laboratory examinations:

  • haematological tests
  • biochemical test
  • urine analysis
  • examinations using rapid immunochemical tests to identify selected infectious canine and feline diseases
  • examinations using rapid immunochemical tests to detect increased canine or feline pancreatic lipase activity
  • determination of blood groups in dogs and cats
  • Blood gas analysis

Samples are accepted from Monday to Friday between 8am-2pm. It is recommended that you call 01 4779 301 (Mr. Alexander Jenko) to make a prior arrangement. Emergency haematological and biochemical tests are performed during surgery hours, while rapid tests are only carried out during these hours in exceptional cases and with prior agreement with the on-call veterinarian. At night (10pm-8am) only urgent cases are accepted and laboratory tests are not carried out for external clients.