NVI Novo mesto

The Novo mesto unit of the National Veterinary Institute (NVI) carries out professional, operational and developmental activities in the field of animal disease diagnostics and the healthcare of domestic animals and bees, as well as operational and diagnostic activities in the field of food hygiene.


Activities carried out at the unit include microbiological testing of clinical material, food and feed materials, feed, swabs and water, parasitological testing of domestic and wild animals, and serological testing. Such tests help maintain animal health and prevent the spread of disease, provide safe food and maintain a healthy and clean environment. The users of our services are the owners and breeders of animals, producers of food of animal origin, veterinarians and inspection services.

The unit’s laboratory carries out microbiological examinations of food, clinical material and parasitological examinations, and is also able to carry out serological testing of blood.

SIST EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017

Our management system is implemented according to SIST EN ISO/IEC 17025. We ensure our independence and impartiality and provide reliable and internationally recognised results.

Veterinary Faculty is accredited by Slovenian Accreditation with accreditation number LP-021 / in the field of testing (SIST EN ISO/IEC 17025). A list of accredited methods can be found in the Annex to Accreditation Document LP-021.  Actual data on the flexible scope of accredited activity  is available in the List of Methods with specified measurement uncertainty/method boundaries.


Microbiological testing of food

Samples for microbiological examination of foodstuffs are mainly meat and meat products, milk and milk products, eggs, honey, water, environmental swabs and feed.

The presence of various harmful bacteria in food is detected:

  • salmonella
  • listeria
  • staphylococci
  • E.coli
  • enterobacteria
  • total number of micro-organisms
  • presence of moulds and yeasts
  • presence of inhibitory substances
Microbiological testing of clinical material
  • Bacteriological and mycological examinations of clinical swabs (auditory canal, wounds, skin scrapes)
  • Urinalysis and bacteriological examinations•  
  • Tests of milk for mastitis –  correct sampling
  • Production of antibiograms
  • Mycological examination of hair for dermatophytes
  • Laboratory testing of specimens for the presence of pathogens
Parasitological examinations

Parasitological examinations include the identification of trichinella larvae in the musculature of domestic and wild animals. The presence of different stages of development of the parasites is found in the excrement of farmed animals and pets.

Healthcare of bees

This field of activity includes professional, research and consultancy work. It is performed by a specialist veterinarian. Most services are free of charge for beekeepers.

The greatest emphasis is placed on:

  • health monitoring and treatment of bees with written instructions and expert advice
  • professional advice
  • clinical examinations of bee colonies, conducting field investigations of bees, colonies and debris for pathogens, sampling of bees, colonies, honey and debris
  • laboratory examinations of samples taken (nosema apis, acariosis, chalk brood, and varoosis)

In addition, the unit:

  • educates beekeepers
  • participates in the drafting of regulations
  • issues certificates for movements of bee families (trading in bees)
  • cooperates with the Commission for breeding queen bees
  • cooperates with other professional beekeeping institutions
Serological tests
  • Detection of brucellosis pathway antibodies
  • Determination of antibodies against the blue tongue virus
  • The presence of enterococci, E.coli, and the total number of microorganisms is determined in drinking water samples used in food production and trading.
  • Compliance with the microbiological criteria of the feed policy is determined for animal feed.

Veterinary hygiene service

The unit has an organised veterinary hygiene service, where, in the area it covers, it removes dead animals and takes them to the cadaver collection and takes care of their harmless destruction. This service is of the utmost importance as removal of carcasses removes sources of potential infection from the point of view of preventing the spread of the disease to both animals and humans. It is also important from the point of view of protecting the environment because removing animal carcasses helps prevent pollution of water, soil and feed.


NVI Unit Novo mesto

Šmarješka cesta 2,
Novo mesto, Tel.: +386 7 332 51 17,
Fax: +386 7 332 44 03.