Emergency veterinary assistance for dogs and cats and a telephone number of constant readiness.
Gene electrotransfer treatment with plasmid encoding IL-12 for spontaneous tumours in dogs

Advanced treatments for spontaneous tumors - better prospects for animals and valuable experience for human oncologists.
Gene electrotransfer of immuno stimulating cytokines are one of the advanced therapies, aimed at stimulating the patient's immune response against cancer.
Numerous clinical studies over the years have confirmed that this novel treatment is safe for both the patient and the environment and that has a positive effect on local tumour control and disease progression. The gene gene electrotransfer of immunostimulating cytokines provides the patient with a good quality of life as the side effects are minimal. This was the main reason why the owners found this treatment method suitable and would choose it again if needed.
We have published the results of our research at numerous scientific and professional meetings and in major internationally recognized journals, and we have also endeavored to share our achievements with the public. To get a glimpse of our work and results to date, we invite you to read some of the papers at the links below:
- Simpozij o genski terapiji v Sloveniji - SAZU
- Pitamic S. Slovenska platforma za razvoj genske terapije, Medicina danes, marec 2022
- Čemažar M, T Jesenko, M Bošnjak in soavtorji. Genska terapija v onkologiji, prvi razvojni koraki v Slovenij. Onkologija, junij 2022
Authors: prof. dr. Nataša Tozon (Univerza v Ljubljani, Veterinarska fakulteta), dr. Nina Milevoj (Univerza v Ljubljani, Veterinarska fakulteta), dr. Urša Lampreht Tratar (Onkološki inštitut Ljubljana), prof. dr. Maja Čemažar (Onkološki inštitut Ljubljana)
A wide selection of domestic and foreign professional literature in the field of veterinary medicine and other sciences.
Gerbičeva 60
SI-1000 Ljubljana
Sample Reception
Samples are received at several locations throughout Slovenia. See where.
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