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Experience, attitudes and predictors of cannabinoid use in dogs and cats

The aim of the study was to assess the personal experience and attitudes of Slovenian dog and cat owners regarding the use of cannabinoids (CBDs) and to determine the predictors of first-time use and reuse of CBDs in dogs and cats.
We hypothesized that positive attitudes toward CBDs, postmodern health values (natural remedies, anti-science sentiment, holism, rejection of authority, individual responsibility, consumerism), and personal experience would be significant predictors of CBDs use in animals. An open online survey targeted Slovenian dog and cat owners, regardless of their experience with CBDs. Questions addressed demographic data and personal experiences with CBDs, information about the participant's animal, experiences with CBDs, attitudes toward CBDs or reasons for not using CBDs in their pet, and postmodern health values. A total of 408 completed questionnaires were included in the statistical analysis. A substantial proportion (38.5%) of owners had already used CBDs to treat their pet. A positive attitude and previous personal experience were significant predictors of first-time use and reuse of CBDs in pets, whereas postmodern health values were not. In conclusion, the decision to use CBDs is based on acquired information and personal experience. Due to the increasing use of CBDs to treat and alleviate some disease symptoms, veterinarians should be informed and familiar with CBDs as a treatment option. However, further research is imperative to establish the use of CBDs in veterinary medicine.
Authors: Katerina Tomsič (Univerza v Ljubljani, Veterinarska fakulteta), Kristina Rakinić (Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za družbene vede), Alenka Seliškar (Univerza v Ljubljani, Veterinarska fakulteta)
Full article was published in Frontiers in Veterinary Science: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fvets.2021.796673/full
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