VHS Srčna UL diagnostika Senat UL Prašiči retention motifs smernice muscarinic receptors COVID 19 ptice kompleks MHC-I zdravilne učinkovine Prehranski dodatki živinoreja bioterorizem veterinarski kongres Karprofen kanabidiol retencijski motivi NVI Maribor CEEPUS angiotenzin histomorfometrija webinar Triaditis endocytosis KMŽ IL-12 Gregor Majdič endotelin-1
The veterinarian on duty
Emergency veterinary assistance for dogs and cats and a telephone number of constant readiness.
A wide selection of domestic and foreign professional literature in the field of veterinary medicine and other sciences.
Gerbičeva 60
SI-1000 Ljubljana
Sample Reception
Samples are received at several locations throughout Slovenia. See where.
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