Orangutan Raztelesba Usutu virus morfometrija mod HPAI cardiomyopathy dodiplomski študij terapija sevofluran Prašiči raziskovalne naloge Epstein-Barr virus male živali babezioza svetovni dan veterinarjev histologija Državni svet RS Tečaj G-protein coupled receptors Čebele tarča za zdravila Analgezija digitalizacija Kravje mleko VHS Echinococcus canadensis kirurgija webinar klinične študije Izrael
The veterinarian on duty
Emergency veterinary assistance for dogs and cats and a telephone number of constant readiness.
A wide selection of domestic and foreign professional literature in the field of veterinary medicine and other sciences.
Gerbičeva 60
SI-1000 Ljubljana
Sample Reception
Samples are received at several locations throughout Slovenia. See where.
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