herpesvirus tedensko poročilo BestCHEESE adrenorergic receptors poliklorirani bifenili protimikrobna sredstva transport živali živalske beljakovine virus Epstein-Barr Raztelesba klinične študije Vpis Srčna UL oxidative stress študij v tujini Licenciranje žrebcev strokovno srečanje CRP stavka angiotensin znotrajcelični promet cell surface marker delovni psi parodontalna bolezen Gorila PCB mule diagnostika ekstremna vzreja COVID 19
The veterinarian on duty
Emergency veterinary assistance for dogs and cats and a telephone number of constant readiness.
A wide selection of domestic and foreign professional literature in the field of veterinary medicine and other sciences.
Gerbičeva 60
SI-1000 Ljubljana
Sample Reception
Samples are received at several locations throughout Slovenia. See where.
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