imunohistokemija Letni pregledi pljuča tarča za zdravila Afriška prašičja kuga post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease PCR v realnem času naj hlev endocytosis varoja ovce Reprodukcija D2 dopamine receptor Podkast PCB Echinococcus granulosus sensu stricto 3. znotrajcelična zanka genski elektroprenos differentiation Teden univerze delovni psi propofol klop model in vivo Opičje koze inovativnost Ženske v znanosti razpis za vpis zastrupitev Državni svet RS
The veterinarian on duty
Emergency veterinary assistance for dogs and cats and a telephone number of constant readiness.
A wide selection of domestic and foreign professional literature in the field of veterinary medicine and other sciences.
Gerbičeva 60
SI-1000 Ljubljana
Sample Reception
Samples are received at several locations throughout Slovenia. See where.
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