Emergency veterinary assistance for dogs and cats and a telephone number of constant readiness.
Gene Verification of Pedigrees of Dogs
The institute is certified by the Kennel Club as an official pedigree checker and can offer you and your clients this service which is mandatory for the owners/breeders of dogs.
For several years the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Ljubljana has routinely performed genetic checks on the pedigrees of dogs. The method is well-established and integrated into ISAG inter-laboratory controls and can therefore ensure correct and verifiable results. In 2018 the institute signed a contract with the Kennel Club of Slovenia for the production of DNA profiles in dogs. Thus, the institute is certified by the Kennel Club as an official pedigree checker and can offer you and your clients this service which is mandatory for the owners/breeders of dogs.
Instructions for preparation of samples
The test requires DNA that is isolated from the blood, or it may be taken from a swab of the oral mucosa if blood cannot be drawn.
The blood sample is taken into an EDTA test tube (at least 1ml). The name of the dog, owner and date of blood collection is written on the test tube.
Swabs are taken by rubbing a cotton bud on the mucous membrane, i.e. the gums or the inside of the cheeks. They are then air dried.
The dried samples are placed in a clean envelope (it must not be polyvinyl and must be air-tight). When sending samples from different dogs, the cotton buds should be stored in different envelopes. It is not recommended to take a swab from puppies under eight weeks old due to the possibility of contamination from the mother.
On the envelope we write down the name of the dog, the owner and the date that the swab was taken are written on the envelope.
When submitting a sample please ensure you also send a completed DNA profile form with information about the dog, owner, payer and veterinarian who took the sample. The form and the sample should be sent by post or courier to the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Gerbičeva 60, Ljubljana, and marked ‘for the genetic testing of dogs’.
Results are normally available within 10 working days of receipt of the sample.
The cost of producing a DNA profile for an individual dog is:
- 28,00 € excl. DDV
- 34,16 € incl. DDV
We can also send you a test tube with EDTA or a kit for taking a sample.
For more information call: 01 4779 120 (Dr. Marko Cotman).
Institute of Preclinical Sciences
Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Genetics
A wide selection of domestic and foreign professional literature in the field of veterinary medicine and other sciences.
Gerbičeva 60
SI-1000 Ljubljana
Sample Reception
Samples are received at several locations throughout Slovenia. See where.
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