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Stallion Licensing 2019

Re-licensing of stallions for the 2019 breeding season.
The DPO - Clinic for the Healthcare and Breeding of Horses and the recognised breeding associations (hereinafter: PRO) for individual breeds of horses informs breeders that the regular and subsequent licensing of stallions for the 2019 breeding season will be held on Thursday 7 March 2019 at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cesta v Mestni Log 47, 1000 Ljubljana.
Regular licensing for stallions for the 2019 breeding season will be carried out for the following breeds:
- Slovene Warm-blooded Trotter
- Trotter
- English Thoroughbred
- Arabian Thoroughbred
- Arabian Horse
- Icelandic Horse
- Shetland Pony
In agreement with the PRO, the subsequent licensing of stallions for the 2019 breeding season will be carried out for: Slovenian cold-blooded breed, Posavec breed, Haflinger breed of horse, quarter horses, appaloosa and paint horses.
Licensing is organised for stallions of the Slovenian cold-blooded breed, the Posavec breed and the Haflinger breed which were first licensed for the 2016 breeding season but were not brought for regular annual licensing in October or November 2018, as well as for all those who have not yet been recognised as breeders and would like to obtain a licence. Licensing is also organised for all stallions of the Slovenian warm-blooded trotter, Icelandic and Arabian horse breeds, for those who wish to renew their licence in accordance with the breeding programme.
The stallion screening and selection schedule will take place according to the following schedule on Thursday 7 March 2019:
- 09.00 - inspection and selection of stallions for Slovenian warm-blooded breed and trotter
- 09.30 - inspection and selection of stallions of the English thoroughbred, Arab full blooded and Arabian horse breeds
- 10.00 - inspection and selection of stallions of Icelandic breed, Haflinger breed and Shetland pony
- 10.30 - inspection and selection of stallions of American quarter horses, appaloosa and American paint horses
- 11.00 - inspection and selection of stallions of the Slovenian cold-blooded breed
- 11.30 - inspection and selection of stallions of Posavec breed
For licensing outside the scheduled dates, the licensing costs are borne by the owners of the stallions brought in.
The stallions brought in for inspection must have a valid identity document with registered ownership and prescribed statutory testing for equine infectious anaemia (EIA) and equine viral arteritis (EVA).
Stallions which are approved at the inspection and selection by the commission, will also need to undergo an examination for contagious equine metritis (CEM).
All stallions that are recognised as breeding animals for the first time will also need to undergo an andrological examination of semen in accordance with the Rules on the Reproduction of Domestic Animals.
Call the DPO VF Institute for the Healthcare and Breeding of Horses on 01 4779385 for any additional information.
Prepared by:
Darko Platovnjak, BsC Zootechnical Engineering
A wide selection of domestic and foreign professional literature in the field of veterinary medicine and other sciences.
Gerbičeva 60
SI-1000 Ljubljana
Sample Reception
Samples are received at several locations throughout Slovenia. See where.
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